Tag Archives: AWN

How to install AWN on Ubuntu Hardy Heron

Though this is a topic that is widely documented, this is one of the searches that land people on this blog. So I thought it is only logical that I write a post on how to install Avant Window Navigator aka AWN on Ubuntu Hardy Heron. I would just stick to this version and keep the post simple.

Step 1: Add the repositories

Go to System > Administration > Software Sources.

Enter your password when prompted.

Click on the tab named Third Party Software Click the Add button

Software Sources

Software Sources

Add the below lines one at a time, clicking the Add Source button after each line

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/awn-testing/ubuntu hardy main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/awn-testing/ubuntu hardy main

Click Close button

Click Reload button on the new window that pops up and wait until the update is complete. Once this is complete, the Software Sources window would close on its own.

Step 2: Install AWN

Go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal and type

sudo apt-get install awn-manager-trunk awn-extras-applets-trunk

Press ‘Y’ to confirm the installation

Step 3: Enjoy using AWN

Once the installation is complete, go to Applications > Accessories > Avant Window Navigator. The dock would start at the bottom of the screen. So you would have to remove the panel there (if you still have it there 😉 ) and move the items elsewhere.

You can drag and drop any program from its menu. For example, if you want to add Firefox to AWN, go to Applications > Internet > Firefox Web Browser and drag it to AWN and drop it once a “+” would appears on the cursor.

You can also install or change themes from the AWN preferences. To access preferences either right click on AWN and select Dock Preferences or go to System > Preferences > Awn Manager


1. AWN Wiki

2. Softpedia – With tips to install cool plugins

Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon Screenshots

As promised, here are a couple of screenshots of Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon with CompizFusion and Avant Window Navigator

1. Expo Plugin

Expo Plugin

2. Shift Switcher

Shift Switcher

3. Water Effect

Water Effect

4. Avant Window Navigator

Avant Window Navigator

I could not capture the screenshots of the rotating cube. Any ideas how to do it?

Update: Oct 25, 2007: Adding the cube effect screenshot
