Category Archives: Graphics

New Look

I have been trying to give a make over to my blog. You might have noticed that themes have been changed so many times within a few minutes, header graphics being changed and such.

Finally I am done. I have decided to retain the same theme even though it does not show my tag line. Added a new header graphic sans blue. Updated my About page which I hadn’t bothered with for long long time.

I kinda seem to like it. I invite you readers to judge the header graphic and how well it goes with the theme. Please leave your comments. BTW, the header graphic can be obtained here. They provide cool header graphics. I have them covered in one of my earlier posts.

Inserting photos from other services

With my WordPress storage fast depleting, I was trying to include photos from Vox and it works 🙂

Last time I tried to include from Flickr but could not get it done. But this time on target.

Update: Well, I am running out of options again. The picture does not seem to load today. 😦

I am going to try Picasaweb

Update: Trying to insert from Picasaweb.This requires some work. Copy the code from HTML to embed in website and take the src portion to get the photo alone. If you want to direct your reader to the web album, you can post the entire code.

Update: I setup my Flickr account to post photos. But that was not what i wanted. So below I try to just post the image and not an entry from Flickr. I have made the Photo public. No success. So I think I just can continue with Picasaweb.

Sorry for too many updates. Just one more image posting to confirm things are in order. Looks like they are.

Update: I removed the image I had posted yesterday from Picasaweb. Today I tried Photobucket and I am impressed. They give me a direct link which I can use to post here. The image below comes from there.

Swimming Pool

Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon Screenshots

As promised, here are a couple of screenshots of Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon with CompizFusion and Avant Window Navigator

1. Expo Plugin

Expo Plugin

2. Shift Switcher

Shift Switcher

3. Water Effect

Water Effect

4. Avant Window Navigator

Avant Window Navigator

I could not capture the screenshots of the rotating cube. Any ideas how to do it?

Update: Oct 25, 2007: Adding the cube effect screenshot


Draw regular shapes using The GIMP

I have been a user of GIMP for a while now. While I was able to do whatever change to existing images, today I was faced with a new challenge. Well, how do I draw a simple non-filled rectangle? I could not find any tool in GIMP which would help me create a simple rectangle. A decent image editor should provide an easy way to draw regular shapes right?

After a bit of searching I found a way to draw a simple rectangle. Here it is for all of you who may need it.

Step 1: Open GIMP

Step 2: Create a new Image by clicking on File > New and selecting the image size from the dialog that pops up

Step 3: Click on the Select Rectangular Regions tool. [Figure 1]

Step 4: Draw a rectangular selection on the image. [Figure 2]

Step 5: From the menu choose Edit > Stroke Selection. [Figure 3]

Step 6: In the Stroke Selection dialog, select the line width of the rectangle you wish to draw, the type of line, the pattern and other desirable attributes. [Figure 4]

Step 7: Click on the Stroke button

Step 8: The rectangle is now drawn and selected [Figure 5]

List of Figures

Figure 1 – The GIMP – Rectangular Selection

The GIMP - Rectangular Selection [Figure 1]

Figure 2 – Draw a rectangular region

[Figure 2]

Figure 3 – Stroke Selection

[Figure 3]

Figure 4 – Stroke Selection Dialog
[Figure 4]

Figure 5 – Hurray!

[Figure 5]