Draw regular shapes using The GIMP

I have been a user of GIMP for a while now. While I was able to do whatever change to existing images, today I was faced with a new challenge. Well, how do I draw a simple non-filled rectangle? I could not find any tool in GIMP which would help me create a simple rectangle. A decent image editor should provide an easy way to draw regular shapes right?

After a bit of searching I found a way to draw a simple rectangle. Here it is for all of you who may need it.

Step 1: Open GIMP

Step 2: Create a new Image by clicking on File > New and selecting the image size from the dialog that pops up

Step 3: Click on the Select Rectangular Regions tool. [Figure 1]

Step 4: Draw a rectangular selection on the image. [Figure 2]

Step 5: From the menu choose Edit > Stroke Selection. [Figure 3]

Step 6: In the Stroke Selection dialog, select the line width of the rectangle you wish to draw, the type of line, the pattern and other desirable attributes. [Figure 4]

Step 7: Click on the Stroke button

Step 8: The rectangle is now drawn and selected [Figure 5]

List of Figures

Figure 1 – The GIMP – Rectangular Selection

The GIMP - Rectangular Selection [Figure 1]

Figure 2 – Draw a rectangular region

[Figure 2]

Figure 3 – Stroke Selection

[Figure 3]

Figure 4 – Stroke Selection Dialog
[Figure 4]

Figure 5 – Hurray!

[Figure 5]

66 responses to “Draw regular shapes using The GIMP

  1. how to change the border color ?

  2. @rio2000, first select the color from the palette and then make your selection. Once you click Stroke Selection, the selected color will be used to draw the shape.


  3. Pretty nifty tip, thanks! But getting to know GIMP is taking a long time. 😦

  4. @Harsh, thanks for leaving a comment. It takes a while and that too if you use it on Windows it is pretty difficult to adjust to the way the controls look/respond/work.

  5. Thanks for providing this information, it was very helpful!

  6. @Jason, glad you found this post useful and thanks for the comment

  7. really nice, i had been searching this for a long time in Gimp.

    Now i got it, thanks

  8. @Prasanna, glad u found it useful.

  9. Pingback: Key Figures of this blog « B Space

  10. I was doing a cd booklet with Scribus but could not
    find out how to draw boarders for cutting. Your tip
    was really pretty handy.
    Thank you so much.

  11. @Merada, glad you found it useful and thanks for leaving a comment.

  12. Thanks for this tip. I’ve been wanting to know how to do that for ages.

  13. @David, Happy to hear that you found this post useful 🙂

  14. Its gettin difficult to other shapes. I am tryin to draw a diamond shape, n I tried by drawing rectangle and rotating it 45 degrees, no use. its getting aliased. 😦

    I even experimented with Map Objects, its workin and I am getting a filled diamond but I want an empty one with just borders.

    Any suggestions?

  15. Thanks. I could not work out how to do it.

  16. This is legend. Thanks!

  17. Yesterday I was disappointed because my mom wanted to boot into windoz to use Paint so I thought I give her a brief GIMP tutorial. It’s the first time I realized there is no rectangle/circle drawing tool!!!

    Quite amazed… How am I to explain to a newbie that you need 5 or so steps to draw a simple shape…

    Gimp developers, get yourselves together!

    • Yes, you are right, it is something very basic and would be expected in a piece of software that would want to be known as the substitute of Adobe Photoshop.

      Unfortunately, in the several editions that had come out after I had written this post, this has not changed.

  18. How about drawing a rounded rect?

  19. It is helpful.

  20. Hey thanks for the quick and easy guide! There is a bit of a learning curve with GIMP.

  21. Wow, thanks alot! I’ve been trying to figure this out for awhile 🙂

  22. Thank you for this tip. It is very helpful.

  23. 1. Open image
    2. Filters >> rendering >> Gfigure

    Draw any figure that you need
    And thats all.

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